Time Travelling Adventures
I got to put together 3 costumes for a performance at the Roman Museum of Vidy.

These characters are time-travelling historians on a mission to solve a mystery.
Eva is playing a pastor from the 1700s wearing a waiscoat, ruff, wide overcoat and Quaker hat. Greg is playin Julian Gruaz, a swiss archaeologist born in 1868. He is wearing a three-piece suit, bow tie, top hat and carries a cane. Clementine is playing an archaeologist from the future, circa 2100, and she has augmented reality glasses, a high tech device for scoping the ground for artifacts, and is dressed with futuristic fabrics.
The costumes are a combination of pieces I created (top hat, ruff, overcoat...), pieces I bought second hand and modified, and things I had in my stash. I also got to use my 3D printer, laser cutter and some electronics, which is always extra exciting.
This was a really cool project and it was a pleasure to work with the Ars Ludendi (arsludendi.ch) team!

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