Fantasy Japanese Mask

This mask was a commission from a client who is a musician and a talented artist. He wanted a disguise to wear in a music video, to show his demon side. It is a mix between a Japanese demon, a bionic creature, and a magical beast, and I am so happy with the result.
It is made entirely out of wet-moulded veg tan leather and fabric, with metal rivets and some wires for decoration. It is painted with pearlescent white and purple acrylic and features scars, patches, wires, nails and altogether too many teeth for comfort. The eye patch is removable, and held in place with magnets. The head band features hidden elastic for comfort and is adjustable on both sides. The mouth is open so as not to obstruct breathing, but lined with purple gauze so you don't see the wearer's skin.
This was a great experience for me because I would never have come up with this colour palette on my own, so I love that my client gave me strict instructions and pushed me out of my comfort zone. It's a challenge to create a grungy, worn out texture on such delicate and pretty colours, and I never thought I would ever be using magenta and dark blue as my 'gunk' colours, but I tried browns and they didn't work at all.